I don’t remember exactly how it happened that I sent my applications and they were accepted, but on July 13 and 14 I will be a speaker at BSides conference and talk about Azure OpenAI security and Microsoft Copilot for Security.
From July 12 to 14, the number of people related to cybersecurity per square meter in Warsaw will increase significantly. And all thanks to the free BSides conference!
The conference speakers will be both well-known stars and people completely unknown in the industry who are just starting out. Conference participants can meet people like them, exchange experiences and gain some new knowledge. And meet colleagues with whom they have only collaborated so far, or even chatted online or are friends from LinkedIn or Discord. Registration for the conference is required, but only for participants who want to attend in person “on site”, but it does not involve any fee, it is more information for the organizers who to let in and who not to.
It is also possible to join as a participant or speaker – via the Internet, via standard YouTube. And this option does not require registration, links during the event will be publicly available and everyone will be able to share them with anyone they want.
The current agenda is available on the BSides website, and you can check out other events taking place around the world on bsides.org.
Official slack invitator: https://bsideswarsaw.signup.team/
Official Discord invitator: https://discord.gg/UfpJBZXP3y
Invite your friends by posting this on Twitter: “#BSidesWarsaw jul 12-14 2024: Discover the next big thing!“
We will do it together 🙂 See you at the conference 🙂